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የእርስዎን ድጋፍ እንፈልጋለን!

የጋሪሰን አንደኛ ደረጃ ት/ቤት የወላጅ መምህር ድርጅት 501(ሐ)(3) ለትርፍ ያልተቋቋመ የአባልነት ድርጅት በጋሪሰን ቤተሰቦች፣ ሰራተኞች እና ተማሪዎች መካከል ግንኙነቶችን እና ተሳትፎን ለማሳደግ ቁርጠኛ ነው።ራዕያችን ሁሉም ተማሪዎች የተወደዱበት፣ የሚፈተኑበት እና የተሳካላቸው እና ሁሉም ቤተሰቦች እንኳን ደህና መጣችሁ፣ መረጃ የሚያገኙበት እና የሚከበሩበት ትምህርት ቤት ነው፣ ምንም ይሁን የቤተሰብ መዋቅር፣ ማህበራዊ ኢኮኖሚያዊ ደረጃ፣ ዘር፣ ጎሳ ወይም ባህል።


ይህንን ራዕይ እውን ለማድረግ ስንሰራእርዳታህን ከምንጊዜውም በላይ እንፈልጋለን. ግን መጀመሪያ፣ እባክዎን የጋሪሰን PTO የአባልነት ክፍያዎችን እንደማይከፍል ይወቁ። ለእርስዎ እና ለቤተሰብዎ ተስማሚ የሆነውን ማንኛውንም አይነት ተሳትፎ እና ዋጋን እናደንቃለን።

PTOን በገንዘብ መደገፍ ከቻልክ በጣም እናደንቀዋለን! እባክዎን የተመረጠውን የፔይፓል ቅጽ በመጠቀም መለገስ ያስቡበት፣በጋሪሰን PTO መደብር ላይ የልገሳ ገጽን በመጎብኘት ላይወይም ለ "Garrison Elementary PTO" የሚከፈል ቼክ ያለው።


ሁሉም የጋሪሰን PTO ልገሳዎች ከታክስ የሚቀነሱ ናቸው፣ እና እያንዳንዱ ልገሳ የሚቆጠር እና ትልቅም ይሁን ትንሽ አድናቆት ይኖረዋል፡


  • $10 እስከ $50 -- ለአንድ መምህር ወይም ሰራተኛ የምስጋና ጥረቶች ድጋፍ

  • $ 100 - ድጋፍ እረፍት 5 ተማሪዎች & amp;; ቤተሰቦች በጋሪሰን ዝግጅቶች

  • $500 -- የአንድ ክፍል ትምህርት ቤት ቁሳቁሶችን ይደግፉ

  • $1,000 -- የአንድ ክፍል የመስክ ጉዞን ይደግፉ


(መሆኑን አትርሳየሚዛመድ የድጋፍ ፕሮግራም መስጠቱን ለማየት ከቀጣሪዎ ጋር ያረጋግጡ የአስተዋጽኦዎን መጠን በእጥፍ ወይም በሦስት እጥፍ ለማሳደግ!)


የመስመር ላይ ክፍያ በማስረከብ ላይ ችግሮች ካጋጠሙዎት፣ ቼክ ማስገባት ከመረጡ ወይም ሌላ ከPTO ጋር የተያያዙ ጥያቄዎች ወይም ስጋቶች ካሉዎት እባክዎን በኢሜል ይላኩ፡

ሌሎች የልገሳ አማራጮች፡-

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Garrison PTO በጀት(2023-2024)


PTO ምስክርነቶች

“Because of the PTO’s support, all our K-5 teachers were able to complete a nationally-recognized 2-year training program that is making a huge impact in our early literacy efforts. We have been recognized as a DCPS Early Literacy Inspirational Site, and other schools have visited Garrison to learn more and replicate our programs. There’s a lot of red tape to get DCPS to fund these kinds of efforts, which can cause us to miss out completely, so we really value the PTO’s ability to make this vital literacy work possible.”


     — Kate Noonan, Garrison K-5 ELA Instructional Coach

“PTO is the backbone of our school community. They provide so much support for our classrooms and for our students. The reason I have the diverse, rich, and beautiful library I have in the 5th grade ELA room is because of the money PTO raised to fund it. They also provided funding for the 5th grade trip to Launch Trampoline Park at the end of the school year. Our students deserve all of this and more, and it would not be possible without the PTO’s generosity.”


     — Emma Bechill, 5th Grade ELA Teacher

“At Garrison, we, the teachers and staff, have been so blessed to have such a supportive PTO. As teachers we are very used to funding our own field trips, activities, and materials for learning. The PTO has been such a support to alleviate that cost burden, especially by gifting each teacher a $500 gift card to purchase class materials.


For my Kindergarten class, the PTO has made it so that we have had great experiential trips like going to Cox Farm, where students get to interact with many kinds of farm animals and explore the different areas of a farm. The PTO has also supported thematic learning and allowed me to purchase supplies to enhance students' understanding of community workers, publishing their own stories, writing nonfiction step-by-step stories, and to support our changing dramatic play.


I am so appreciative of the support given by the PTO, the impact felt in more ways than I can explain.”


     — Sorrae Adams, Kindergarten Teacher

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